Grazers Products Testimonials
“I am just writing to let you know how successful the ‘Grazers’ has been for us. We sprayed a complete field (25 acres) of oilseed rape which had been eaten virtually down to the stalks, to the extent we thought we may have to resow. Also, 5 acres next to a wood, which is winter wheat. Apart from a small area these crops have made an excellent recovery and are now respectable crops.
This was basically rabbit, pigeon and some deer grazing. I would recommend ‘Grazers’ to anyone under similar conditions. This was spring applied, after damage had already occurred, but we shall try to spray vulnerable sites (rabbits) this autumn – weather permitting, as a protection.”
Jacky Brewis, Northumberland
“We trialled the product last season on some winter wheat and it appeared to work well. The Home Farm will certainly be continuing the trials this year, where heavy rabbit grazing has been a problem in the past.”
Dalton Estate, Yorkshire