Welcome to the first blog of our new GRAZERS website!
The team at Grazers is Jonathan Tebb-Roger (whose background and passion is horticulture, agriculture and the environment) his wife Sally, Nicola Reed (without whom everything would fall apart!) and various good natured others (Karen, Louis, Gemma etc) who help out when needed in the factory/barn where Grazers is manufactured.
We are perched high up in the Eden Valley of Cumbria, with 360 degree views of the Lakeland and Pennine fells. There are various challenges to making Grazers here- not least a tight corner for delivery vans to get round and a half mile track! – but we love living in Cumbria and never tire of its everchanging landscape.
The aims of this blog will be not only to share a bit of Cumbrian life with you, but also our experiences of horticulture, farming etc. We will provide hopefully interesting information and flag up various relevant news and articles. We will post photos too.
Meanwhile, despite the weather seeming to have gone ‘back’ (here at least) with consequences for you gardeners and growers, we wish you a very happy Easter!