Why We Love the Slug!

Why do we need slugs? Quite simply slugs perform a couple of vital roles in the natural balance of our garden and for those reasons we need to let them get on with the day job. First of all, slugs help to decompose all that rotting vegetation that is created such as fallen leaves and…

Spring application guide on farm

The image on the right shows an ideal growth stage to apply Grazers against rabbit or pigeon damage. In this instnce its spring barley but the same applies in the autumn whether it is wheat, barley or oil seed rape. Its easy to presume that you are wasting product because there is more soil than leaf, but rest…

The Rise of the Hedgehog in 2016

Did you know it is Hedgehog Awareness Week 2016 from the 1st to the 7th May? Hedgehogs are a well-loved species here in the UK, yet the population has reportedly dropped by 99.97% since the 1950s, motivating campaigners to petition for them to be protected under Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.…

Farm Spring 2016 Promotion

We are pleased to announce our Spring Promotion on GRAZERS  grower size packs from 11th April 2016 until 31st July 2016.   GRAZERS 1 litre (4ha pack) promotion £100 +VAT  now £80+VAT  (price per ha £20 0r £8 per acre) GRAZERS  5 litre (20ha pack) promotion £350 +VAT  now £250+VAT  (price per ha £12.50 or £5 per acre) offer ends 31/7/16.…

Introducing our new look website

Welcome to the first blog of our new GRAZERS website!    The team at Grazers is Jonathan Tebb-Roger (whose background and passion is horticulture, agriculture and the environment) his wife Sally, Nicola Reed (without whom everything would fall apart!) and various good natured others (Karen, Louis, Gemma etc) who help out when needed in the factory/barn…