Which? report just out on G3

“Grazers G3 Formula CLAIMS A safe but effective formula which treats against potential damage from cabbage white butterflies, caterpillars and aphids. lt also stimulates and strengthens growth, with no detrimental impact on the environment. OUR VERDICT To try out this product I planted two red cabbage and two black kale plants, and sprayed one of…


Eileen Clayton got in touch with us earlier in the summer, she  organises the gardens on the Ffestiniog Railway and on the Welsh Highland Railway. “I work as a volunteer Bedgelert Station on the Welsh Highland Railway. On two of our stations we intermittent have problems with sheep.  It will make so much difference to…

A little helpful advice now spring is here!

Remember it is safe to spray Grazers G1 – rabbits, pigeon etc  and G2 – slug & snail onto hostas and other plants, edible or ornamental,as the new growth emerges in the garden  which is also when they are very prone to damage. Hostas and other perennials send up succulent spikes in spring (see image) which…

John Negus talk at Weyhill, Andover

“Had a great talk last night at Weyhill, Andover. My quiz resulted in a very happy lady going away with a Grazer spray gun for tackling cabbage white butterflies, caterpillars and aphids. Well done this company for innovating an environmentally safe organic control for keeping our garden pest free.” John Negus Garden Writer and speaker